كيفية جعل تصميم ابتسامة؟ | Radixdent
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أجوبة السؤال العام

كيفية جعل تصميم ابتسامة؟

First of all, the patient's discomfort and the problem is learned, a model is created on a scale taken from the patient, a model is made on this model, tooth-borne problems are corrected with a special material.
This design, which is designed in the model, is aimed to be able to see in our own mouth, and is transported to our patient's mouth without any treatment with a non-porcelain material. In this way, the intended design is presented to the patient's image very closely, although not exactly.
The patient's satisfaction with the applied design or the parts that he wants to be changed are discussed with the physician and the teeth are; the desired result of shape, size, alignment is achieved.
If necessary, after the implant applications to the tooth cavities and the regulation of gum levels, the restoration of the teeth is started by selecting the necessary materials.
The target design is achieved by considering the latest lips.