Was ist eine Kanalbehandlung? Wie lange kann ich den Zahn verwenden, der eine Kanalbehandlung erhalten hat? | Radixdent
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Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Endodontie)

Was ist eine Kanalbehandlung? Wie lange kann ich den Zahn verwenden, der eine Kanalbehandlung erhalten hat?

Root canal treatment aims removing inflammatory or necrotic dental pulp (neurovascular bundle), leading to toothache, abscess and cyst formation, from root canals and filling the resultant pocket completely with a tissue-friendly substance.

If a correct and healthy root canal treatment is applied to the tooth and the patient pays attention to oral care, the duration of the tooth stay in the mouth is no different from a normal tooth. Root canal teeth should be checked by your physician periodically (at least every six months) because they do not detect pain.